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Frequently Asked Questions

BK5600, BK6500, and BK8500

Can this firmware upgrade damage my unit?

No, all the firmware that is put on your device has been tested and validated. However, that does not mean that the updating process is completely safe. If you power off your unit while it is updating then it has the potential to damage your unit. For correct usage of the Application please visit our instruction page

What Platforms will this Application Run On?

Currently this application will support Windows 7 and Windows 10.

Will I lose the pictures on my micro-SD card if I update the firmware?

Not at all. Your images will be safe and sound throughout the update process.

How long will it take to update my BK unit's firmware?

The longest it should take is five minutes. You will be notified when the update has been completed, or if there were any issues during the update process.

How do I contact you if there are any issues?

You can find our contact details here

Will this website track any of my personal information?

No, your personal information is safe and sound.

Does this website put cookies on my computer?

No, this website will not.

How do I check the firmware on my BK Digital Unit?

The easiest way to check the firmware on your BK Digital unit is to use the check firmware application.

Will this application work on my iOS device?

No, iOS is not supported by this application.

Will this application work on my Android device?

No, Android is not supported by this application.

Can I upgrade my BK5500, BK5500W, or my BK6000 unit?

No, these devices are not supported by this application.


Can this firmware upgrade damage my unit?

No, all the firmware that is put on your device has been tested and validated. However, that does not mean that the updating process is completely safe. If you power off your unit while it is updating then it has the potential to damage your unit. For more in depth info on how to update you BK7000 click here

How do I check the firmware on my BK7000 Unit?

The easiest way to check the firmware on your BK7000 is to click the firmware button in the menu. This requires connecting to the internet via Wifi. If you are not connected when you click this firmware button you will be prompted to connect to your wifi.

Does the BK7000 use the Windows application?

No, the BK7000 is updated via wifi, and has an update function built-in.

How do I contact you if there are any issues?

You can find our contact details here

What do I do if my video play back on my computer has no audio?

You can find instructions here The download link is for the extra codecs is here

For a video on how to use the BK7000 click here


My Imager does not articulate to the desired articulation, how do I fix it?

To fix your imager articulation click here

On my BK8500 my articulation is showing as not connected?

The BKIMG55ART requires more power than a normal imager. This will require your BK8500 handle to be at least 50% charged to work.

Care & Use

The articulation imager is a specialty imager and it can NOT be coiled up like a normal imager. For a video on careing for your imager click here

-- Special case provided for storage.

-- Foam insert provided can be removed from case to be put in a drawer and used to store the articulation imager.

-- The articulation imager does NOT act as a hook. For more info on what not to do click here